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“Unconsciously Incompetent”: The role of movement analysis software quantified data in raising aware

How are we supposed to improve something we don’t even know is faulty? [2]

First take a look at the diagram then let’s start by playing a game. Fill in the blank:

“I never knew that I/my _____,” says client during first appointment.

You probably have page long list of these comments.

“I never knew that I had tight hamstrings.” “I never knew that my knees cave in when I run.” “I never knew my hunched shoulders cause neck pain and headaches.”

This is the beautiful moment when a patient becomes aware and conscious of functional movement. It’s the first step in helping him or her begin to move well and be pain free.

It is crucial to establish a client’s understanding of functional movement early. Only when a client understands the principles of their movement, will they also understand the treatment protocol and therefore adhere to it. Proper adherence and engagement with the treatment protocol leads to a better, more complete recovery, and therefore a happier client who will stay longer with you and be willing to refer other clients to you.

Functional movement isn’t general public knowledge. Our health care systems is reactive, and pain is the guiding force. The body is fine until it hurts. Pain is a problem. Pain is our body’s way of telling us that something isn’t right and needs to be addressed. Sometime our clients know the source of their pain and sometimes they don’t. The body functions as a kinetic chain. If we only focus on the area where pain is apparent, we may miss the source of the problem. Screening for and working to create proper full body movement patterns can help both address current pain issues and prevent future injury.


Okay so back to the diagram… Unconsciously Incompetent + Consciously Incompetent + Consciously Competent + Unconsciously Competent are four phases of learning [1].

The goal of physical therapy, athletic training, chiropractic treatment, and performance training is to move our clients from unconsciously incompetent to unconsciously competent, but that first takes awareness and practice. Quantifiable data easily gathered with movement analysis software is a huge help in each step transition, so let’s see how that process works.

Why quantifiable data matters for improving client engagement and performance in functional movement.

Unconsciously Incompetent:

How do we teach our clients that there are weaknesses and flaws in their movement patterns that are the underlying source of their pain? Even harder, how do we teach our clients about issues that don’t currently hurt but put them at risk for an acute or overuse injury?

We tell them and engage them! We watch them move, evaluate strength + flexibility, and test motor patterns. The screening process is the moment we highlight and communicate instabilities and weakness. And, not only do we tell them, but we show them the data. Some in history may refer to this as the concept of “Trust, but verify”.

Data is a powerful tool for education. Quantifiable Data, and medical expert knowledge, assessment and communication lead to newfound awareness of our weaknesses so we can address and fix them…

  1. Clients trust data and it helps them evaluate themselves

  2. Movement analysis software creates data for a baseline and builds common language and goals of treatment

  3. Objective data enables reliable, repeatable and individualized assessment and treatment programs

3D BodyWatch™ Movement analysis software screenings allow us to:

  • Quickly evaluate the whole body

  • Compare client movements to a functional pattern

  • Provide instability red flags

  • Provide repeatability in assessments to track customer progress

  • Provide video feedback for visual awareness

Consciously Incompetent:

The clients knows they are moving incorrectly but are unable to adjust to the correct position. The client’s awareness matches the Quantifiable Data Faults. That’s where treatment from a skilled provider comes in. There are many potential reasons for the incompetency- lack of strength, poor flexibility, undeveloped motor pattern, structural issues….

Top professionals have the skills and knowledge to fix these issues! Treatment in-clinic is the time we help our clients improve and build competency.

Data helps the client trust the process (especially when they don’t immediately feel better)

  1. Clients can now see small improvements

  2. Keeps whole body functional mindset

  3. Client trusts plan and provider is accountable

3D BodyWatch™ Movement analysis software screenings allow us to:

  • Measure small improvements within a few degrees

  • Rapidly evaluate differences from set to set & rep to rep

  • Practice with live feedback

  • Create whole body perspective

  • Look at interactions between movements and compensations

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Consciously Competent:

Client is able to correctly perform movement, but needs focus and cognitive effort to sustain success. Awareness allows for quantifiable data successes. This is purposeful training! These are the kind of repetitions that allow for success and growth in functional movement

Data shows clients success and …

  1. Provides client with a reward and sense of accomplishment

  2. Furthers trust and relationship with provider

  3. Inspires desire to fix other weaknesses and keeps the whole body functional health mindset

3D BodyWatch™ Movement analysis software screenings allow us to:

  • See the improvements and successes in our hard work

  • Validate that our treatment plan is working

  • Reaffirm cues that help create functional moments

Unconsciously Competent:

Clients have muscle memory of the correct movement. Quantifiable Data Successes without the need to use cognitive energy so awareness can be directed to new tasks. This is high level competency that allow movement patterns to translate from the clinic / gym to life and sports.

Data shows high skill level and improvement from baseline and

  1. Helps engage client to practice at home for continued improvement

  2. Creates a preventive whole body functional movement mentality

  3. Creates long term customer and strong relationship

3D BodyWatch™ Movement analysis software screenings allow us to:

  • Create and store new baseline for clients that can be use in future instances

  • Quantify success and provide trusted result

  • Evaluate best methods in practice

Markerless movement analysis software is a tool that helps medical and fitness clients become engaged in their treatment. Data serves important but different roles throughout the client process. Using the competency model helps map the patient’s entire journey- from before entering treatment to taking their new skills back into their daily lives-and maximizes the impact and efficiency of biomechanical data. Quantified data helps develop a proactive approach and growth mindset where functional movement can be improved with help from a skilled medical or athletic provider and a focused practice.


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